Saturday, October 19, 2013

SYRIA: jihadist rebels doing what they do best – beheading

(WARNING: Very Graphic Images)

This jihadist group is al-Qaeda linked and we know this because their beheading method is trademark al-Qaeda – slow with a dull knife, after which they hold up the head and parade it around, only with this one they also parade around the headless body.

Terrorist groups who are directly linked to al-Qaida like Jabhat al-Nusra or other Islamist groups like the Ahfad Muhammad Brigade are very active and holding a lot of areas in the city of Deir al-Zor. This beheading is not the first one in Deir al-Zor

This beheading took place on the 15th of August 2013, which could be connected to the August 2013 Offensive in Deir al-Zor by extremist groups. According to the cameraman, they captured a Syrian soldier who was a sniper. They accused him several times to be a “Nussayri”, an Alawi, what is showing how sectarian they are thinking.  In the video, you can see also a lot of children.

At the end of the video, the cameraman says from 02:37:  ”Allahu Akbar, 08/15/2013. Slaughtering of a sniper by the lions of Jabhat al-Nusra.”

(and guess who is helping to support them?)  for a gruesome video if you get into that sort of thing.

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