Thursday, September 26, 2013

Drive Until Your Tank Shows Empty?

Note- scroll down for a bonus tip!

I know than many of you do this, drive til the Low Fuel light comes on, but do you know the damage that is being done?

First, most cars today have an electric fuel pump located inside the fuel tank. What keeps the electric motor from getting too hot is the gas it is sitting in. If you are low on gas the motor is getting hot damaging itself and the seals in the pump.

Second, there is dirt in your tank, it is going to happen and you can’t stop it. When the fuel level is low the sloshing of the fuel picks up this dirt. Now there are filters in place to keep this dirt from getting to your engine but as the dirt collects in these filters it will place additional load on the fuel pump.

Third, especially in cooler climates, water will condense in a tank that low on fuel. This can lead to rust and / or corrosion in the whole fuel system.

The average fuel pump will cost around $800 to $1000 to replace, many cars are much more.

BONUS TIP- Fuel gauges on newer cars have an arrow on the gauge pointing to which side you fill the tank up on.


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