Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nature is the artwork of God"

Kanas is located in a valley in the Altai Mountains, near the very northern tip of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. "Kanas" is a Mongolian word meaning "lake in the canyon". The area is famous for its mysterious and wild landscape and especially its legendary lake. When September comes, Kanas enters a golden season. The plants covered by the golden sunshine, the lake in the near distance, the snow-capped mountains in the background, the small wooden houses and the strolling herds of cattle and sheep, create a fairytale-like view.

((check this out....the photos and video are totally awesome..beautiful))

Mysterious lake

Kanas Lake is in the northern part of Xinjiang, close to the border between China and Kazakhstan. It is a one-day drive from the capital city Urumqi.

Kanas Lake means "lake in canyon" or "beautiful and mysterious lake" in local language.

The area is often called "god's garden" or "paradise for photographers" due to the incredible colors. It contains snow-capped mountains, several hundred kinds of plants including South Siberia species and the sapphire-blue Kanas Lake.

If you have an iPad, bring it, but make sure you have the Star Walk app, an interactive astronomy guide, because of the pure and clean sky, totally different from Shanghai. It was an incredible experience to have an astronomy tour at night in Kanas though it was very cold outdoors. For the first time, we saw the whole Milky Way. It seemed even closer compared with what can be seen in Sarangkot, Nepal, at a higher altitude.

In autumn, Kanas is a mix of rusty reds, bright yellows and garden greens as the leaves on the trees change colors. Whether you are a photography fan or not, don't miss the sights listed below.

If you have only one day in Kanas, head to the Three Coves - Fairy Cove (Shen Xian), Moon Cove (Shen Xian) and Dinosaur Cove (Wo Long). The trip should include watching the morning fog at Fairy Cove, walking about 1 kilometer from Moon Cove to Dinosaur Cove and waiting for the sunset in the Fish Viewing Pavilion (Guan Yu Ting).

The morning fog in Fairy Cove is the best spectacle in Kanas.

It moves like snakes across colorful trees and blue lakes. Eventually the sun pokes through the blanket of fog. Luck with the weather is needed to see the fog but it's definitely worth the wait.

Another well-known spot is the Fish Viewing Pavilion, the top side of Kanas. At the pavilion, you can watch Kanas Lake from dark green to sky blue and then gray and white.

The color changes several times a day but a trip during sunrise or sunset is recommended.

Kanas is also known for a scary legend. It is said that huge lake monsters live in the deep water and often drag horses and camels, which usually stop at the shore to take a drink, into the water. The locals say the monsters are rare, huge red fish that are over 10 meters.

Last but not least, a village called Tuwa Tribe is near the lake. It's the only place for tourists to stay in Kanas and it costs about 50 yuan per person per night. It's a great place to see the faces of many lovely children.

Word To The Wise

Kanas is in the northern Burqin County of Xinjiang and 150 kilometers from the county town. Most tour groups take a one-day trip, but three days is strongly recommended although serious photographers may want to stay a couple of additional days.

Administration fee is 230 yuan including 80 yuan for shuttle bus. It's necessary because private cars are forbidden in Kanas.Local food includes staples such as potatoes, mutton and chicken.Photography and trekking fans can visit two other sites near Kanas. One is Hemu, famous for various trees and small houses made of wood. The other is Baihaba, which is great for hiking from seven hours to three days.

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