Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wildebeest Escapes Lioness Attack in Astonishing Photos

Cat, especially big cats like lions, are among nature's most skilled predators. But that doesn't mean they always get their prey.
 In these photographs, taken by wildlife photographer Jacques Matthysen, 36, a hungry lioness confronts a wildebeest that was grazing peacefully at the Kariega Game Reserve in South Africa.

The lioness attacked her prey, intent on making the wildebeest into a meal. The wildebeest was not ready to be taken down so easily.

 As the lioness pounced, the ready wildebeest jumped  even higher into the air, treating its attacker to a hoof in the face.



It was a close call for the wildebeest, but it managed to escape the lioness' clutches and run to safety.                                         

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