Wednesday, May 1, 2013

total ramble

So, what else made 4/30/13 not so good....actually crappy.  It started early with a text message from the young lady who does my nails, brows, hair and any other beauty shop thing I need.  I had been waiting to get my nails done for a while, and that was supposed to be the day.  I had stretched it out one extra week so I could be there on my special birthday.  She is one of the first people who has known me from the days before I became Alexis.  I even went to the beauty shop where she was at the time for makeup lessons, which was an experience in itself.  Anyway, she said she didn't feel good, and could we change it to Thursday at 11:30 instead.  Cool, I can handle that.  About 90 minutes later I got a message to check my chart message from the hospital ( they have a site where I can access a fair amount of my medical information from wherever I am.  It's great, but it can also have a downside).  I checked it since I had just had a CT scan of the spine the day before.  There results were here.  The back problems were confirmed, but it also said something that got me worried: New 8mm nodule and 1.9 cm cavitary nodules in the right upper lobe.
Differential diagnosis is broad including infectious, malignant and
inflammatory (Wegener's) etiologies. Would correlate for pulmonary
symptomatology and further evaluation with dedicated chest CT is
Great, love that 'infectious, malignant....'stuff.  Therein lies the downside of this service.  Seeing the results without  proper explanation can lead to incorrect conclusions.  I fell for that for a few hours.  Now, today, as I have reflected more, I'm not going to worry until we investigate this further.  Too much anyway.  So far then, I have mentioned the lung concern which has actually been an ongoing issue since 2002.  The spine has also be an issue since about then.  I have had two major back surgeries back in 2008,
and it appears that one of the fusion points has not healed properly.  This in turn has caused some of the hardware to shift over time, and now I am once more beginning to slump, and it is causing me increasing pain almost every week.  The stomach is also acting up again.  I had some major issues back in 2008 after the spine surgeries.  There was an infection that got in there, though to this date nobody had really figured out what it was.  But the cure involved antibiotics, strong antibiotics, that in turn killed the good bacteria in my stomach.  OMG!  I was on a feeding tube for 6 months, I lost about 40 pounds, and thought I was going to die.  Then suddenly, I could eat again.  All this, coupled with my neuropathy in the legs which makes walking
miserable, and yesterday wasn't good.  I'm just waiting for my heart to start acting up now--which has been an ongoing issue since 2002.  So, I got a stent last July.  The one doctor won't do the colonoscopy and endoscopy that I need until it has been at least a year since my stent because I need to stop taking one medication that makes my blood hard to clot..  It is scheduled for early September.  And the spinal surgeon really wants a clean bill of health for my stomach before he will fo another surgery.  Unless something budges, I'm not going to have a very good next several months.  This stomach issue may need to be dealt with sooner somehow.  Luckily, I have my great medical team here, Dr. Cheyenne Kitty and Nurse Sarah Kitty.  They'll keep me going.

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