Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fox News Doesn’t Get Detroit Fisting Joke, Becomes Butt Of Many Jokes

(ps, not all news media folks are the brightest boxes in the bulb)

When the fine people of Detroit woke up on Thursday morning they saw something peculiar. Sitting in front of their beloved giant sculpture of the late boxer Joe Louis’ fist was a giant can of Crisco. The Crisco can was created by Detroit artist Jerry Vile. The artist called the giant Crisco can “gesture of sympathy” and a “magical Vessel of Hope” to help “ease the pain of Detroit’s bankruptcy.”

The giant can sat in front of the fist for five hours while the news crew at Fox News attempted to figure out what a Giant Crisco Can and a Giant Fist have in common. Other news agencies quickly pointed out that the “event” was an “elaborate and dirty joke.”

Fox News rather than understanding the joke posted a picture of the Fist on its Facebook page along with the following note:

“Local artist Jerry Vile has created something he calls “Vessel of Hope”. He hopes it may in someway ease the pain of having the Detroit bankruptcy shoved into our faces. Can anyone explain what this means???”

The team at Queerty were the first to make fun of Fox News, writing “Let us start by saying this fist was not aimed at your face in the first place. You were facing the wrong direction when you took the photo…”

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