Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Men warned as testicle-biting Pacu fish invades Scandinavian waters

 ( ouch)
Pacu fish love crushing nuts with their powerful jaws and sometimes can mistake the male reproductive organs for their favorite snack. (Credit: CNN)
NEW YORK — Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, as the saying goes, male skinny-dippers in Scandinavia are being warned about a fish infamous for munching on testicles.

Yes, you read that right.

The Pacu, native to South America, was found by a fisherman in the Danish/Swedish strait of Oresund, according to experts at the Natural History Museum of Denmark.

Though the fish has big teeth and looks menacing, it is generally known as a friendly cousin of the piranha. The Pacu’s large teeth aren’t as sharp as the piranha’s but are “fully capable” of severing fishing lines and fingers, the museum’s experts said. Oh yeah, and the Pacu is vegetarian, unlike it’s meat-eating cousin.

So why should swimmers beware? Pacu fish love crushing nuts with their powerful jaws and sometimes can mistake the male reproductive organs for their favorite snack.

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