Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Epic fail: 99% of Obamacare applications can't be processed, 'nightmare scenario' coming in January

 (NaturalNews) Obamacare is going to crash and burn from technical issues more than political concerns, it seems. You've probably already heard that virtually no one can sign up using the online Obamacare exchanges. The web forms are broken. The code is buggy. The data integration is a jaw-dropping failure.

This is why, all over the country and across the media, no one can seem to locate anyone who has successfully signed up through Healthcare.gov. Even the one person the Obama administration rolled out as a "success case" turns out to be completely staged and fabricated.

But there's even more shocking news about Obamacare that could utterly destroy any credibility the system might have remaining: Of those applications who somehow make it through the broken online sign-up system, 99% can't be processed and will fail.

99% can't be processed

According to insurance industry insiders who spoke to CNBC, 99 out of 100 applications don't contain enough information to result in enrollment.

"...federal officials could face a situation in January in which relatively large numbers of people believe they have coverage starting that month, but whose enrollment applications are have not been processed," reports CNBC.

"We're getting incomplete data," says one source from the insurance industry who goes on to describe the data as "corrupted."

That's fitting, of course, as the entire Obama administration is also corrupted. And incompetent. The Obamacare socialism dream turns out to be one big job-destroying frag fest that deceived Americans on every level. Although called the Affordable Care Act, it isn't "affordable," the system doesn't CARE about you, and even when you want it, it's almost impossible to get the online applications to ACT properly.

Healthcare.gov tricks people into thinking they're enrolled

The problem is that the Healthcare.gov website doesn't ask users for sufficient information needed to process their enrollment. The website, in other words, is a joke. It's a public relations facade. Even when people think they've signed up, the system doesn't have enough information about them to actually complete the enrollment.

So between now and January, even those people who somehow make it through the broken Healthcare.gov website and think they have enrolled will find themselves without any health insurance when January rolls around. Somehow, federal workers are going to have to contact these individuals one at a time and ask them for additional information to process their enrollment.

That process, of course, is fraught with nightmarish scenarios of failure and incompetence. Why? For starters, because the masses of government workers needed to carry out such a follow-up program have never been hired! And that's because no one anticipated the Obamacare online exchanges would be such a nightmare of technical incompetence in the first place.

Secondly, even if you could hire all these people in the next few weeks, the simple fact of the matter is that support-level people who work for the federal government tend to be people who are really just there for the paycheck and who don't actually give a crap about whether they are effective in their jobs. This is going to be worse than DMV workers. It's going to be an office full of extremely unhealthy, over-paid, under-educated, "I-don't-give-a-s#@t!" workers whose only real mission is to log enough hours to collect a paycheck, not to actually solve problems with Obamacare enrollment. Think TSA workers sitting behind computers all day long... 


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