Friday, October 4, 2013

from ground zero


Last week, a lot of Americans were glued to their televisions wanting to know the fate of chemistry teacher Walter White who turns into the equivalent of Scarface in ‘Breaking Bad‘. The television show that ran 5 seasons won a mountain of awards and was heralded as one of the greatest television programs conceived in its history.

I was in a restaurant having lunch with a friend and as I was speaking about the show a perfect stranger leaned over to the booth and said “I missed the last episode so if you could not talk about what happens in the end I would appreciate it.” I smiled and I said, “Hurry up and watch it because you won’t regret how it all ends. It is quite a remarkable show.”

The media provides us with entertainment and you can say that Americans are highly entertained and may care more about the various fictions that exist on cable than what is happening around them. In a fictional television show you can be carried into extreme experiences and find yourself intertwined with the characters and how they are going to get out of the problems they face. While we are watching we do not have to care about putting things into perspective because the producers and writers are requiring you to distend belief and they always have a way to do it and we forgive because it is only fiction.

The unfortunate thing is that the same formula for distending belief is being used on the nightly news programs. They take us from being on the brink of nuclear war, to the countdown of government shutdown, to the dramatic car chase and shooting that happened in Washington D.C.

I was just arriving at the studio when the program director of another radio station saw me and said “Didn’t you say something about living in a simulation and that the media is generating political theater?” I nervously said “Yes.”

He then said, “Come into my office.”

I could hear the audio from CNN just a few feet from his office and I was anxious to hear what was going on.

I walked in to see on his television monitor the news that someone tried to ram the gates of the White House and the fled to the nation’s capital. A dozen shots were fired and that is when the drama began and the simulated theater became the norm much like a fictional television program.  It all seemed contrived; a point that was made by my colleague in his office. He then added, “it all looks like some contrived simulation and I am not even a conspiracy theorist.”

The suspect was a woman with a child in her car. The woman was unarmed and was killed at the scene.

I dashed from the office to my area of the building and had to monitor all of the channels and all of the networks to see what was being reported. It was a veritable cornucopia of assumptions that were delivered with the caveat that all news that is delivered in the beginning of any incident could be wrong.

I suppose that this is the media’s way of covering up what they feel are mistakes or what they know is the real story before they receive the official spin.

That does not change; however, the reports of an attempted terror plot or a mentally disturbed woman in car being fired on by police without cause. The videos they released of the incident looked as though the woman made a wrong turn and then after police had drawn on her she fled in panic and later was killed with her child in tow ironically on 2nd Avenue and Constitution.

The coincidence of the Second Amendment and the thought of the “gun-free” area where she was gunned down unarmed was not lost on me and again I thought the incident sounded so weird and almost like a theatrical fiction.

The entire incident was made by the networks to look like an attack on the President and, with low information, the shell of the story was made to indicate that perhaps there was a plot afoot. It was a supposed plot that included a decapitation exercise or a crisis event that threatened the life of the President.

(((did she REALLY try to ram the gates of the White House?  have you actually seen the video?---alexis)))

The networks assured us that while the area was on lockdown that the President was not in the White House. There were key words being used that turned what looked like a driver’s mistake into a potential assassination attempt, lethal car chase and eventual rain of bullets.

The question is: was it all an overreaction to what we can chalk up as political theater to remind us of how the shutdown of the government is affecting people in negative ways – or was it just a simple accident where lethal force was used to the point of overkill?

The visuals from Washington spoke volumes. It illustrated to the American people the ferocity of a police garrison that will shoot to kill anyone without even asking questions.

In a world of simulation and hyper- reality, everything looks threatening and everything appears to be some violent overthrow and coup attempt.

The media narrative will be throwing at us a lot of fanciful attempts to make this a political rallying point. Perhaps it was a mother in a car with a political grievance. Perhaps a mother that was unable to get her WIC benefits because of the shutdown. There will be pressure to investigate whether she was on SSRI’s or there will be puny Senators like Peter King demanding barbed wire and land mines leading to Pennsylvania Avenue.

Did the woman make a wrong turn? When guns were pulled on her and her child did she flee out of fear? Was it all a mistake? Why would we use lethal force on an unarmed woman with a child?

We won’t know because the media has already spun the story in a direction that reminds us of how important our government is to us and how they operate under a constant threat not only from terrorist bogeymen, but from parasitic mother’s with hungry rug rats living off of the welfare benefits they receive.

If we are to believe the eyewitnesses, the woman just may have been a victim of making a wrong turn at a security checkpoint. According to testimony provided by Oregon residents B.J. and Susan Campbell in the Washington Post, the couple saw a black sedan driven by a woman heading west on Pennsylvania Avenue and into a security checkpoint at 15th Street and Pennsylvania NW. The driver went about 20 yards, B.J. Campbell said, before rapidly turning the car around at the concrete security barriers.

“The Secret Service guy was just having a cow,” B.J. Campbell said. “Yelling at her and banging on the car.” The Secret Service officers pulled a black metal gate into her path and she slowed to try to go around it. Then the agent moved the gate in front of her again.

At that point “she just gunned it,” B.J. Campbell said. “She ran the barricade down and the guy; was knocked up onto her hood. He rolled off into the street, and she tore off down Pennsylvania Avenue.” The whole encounter lasted about 20 seconds, he said.

The officers fired. When the car came to 2nd and Constitution, police fired again. It is at this point that the woman was killed. Her one year old baby was unharmed.

Can anyone now say with a straight face that all the talk of suspects, terrorist threats, possible threats to the president don’t come off as convenient fiction or a simulation?

The witnesses say nothing about the driver being a threat. She did not ram the gates of the White House. However, all of these possibilities of something far more fatalistic give a reason for probable cause in the court of public opinion for a shoot first ask questions later outcome.

It is typical of a media that encourages the disarming of Americans and marginalizes them as guilty perps if they are being followed by red and blue lights. Which once again brings up the right of due process that many Americans believe is unneeded because of the perceived right by authorities to shoot and kill with impunity.

Authorities can make mistakes even in the midst of a simulated drill or exercise which one again is a factor in this tragedy.

I guess the media were unaware that again there was a simulated crisis drill happening at the same time the incident happened.

Today was the last day for the Capital Shield 2014 Exercise.

Capital Shield 2014 is a joint training exercise in the National Capital Region, that began on the 20th of September and was supposed to wrap up on October 3rd 2013.

This simulated capital crisis exercise is hosted by the Joint Force Headquarters designated for the ‘National Capital Region‘. It was established as a drill to train federal, state, local and municipal agencies in order to realistically test the inter-agency capabilities of handling an attack or crisis in the District of Columbia, mainly in the areas near the White House and surrounding government facilities.

The drill was being used to train and prepare the Department of Defense to provide defense support to civil authorities and employ appropriate force protection measures as requested. The goal of the exercise is to ensure government agencies at every level are prepared to coordinate action to protect the public in the event of an actual disaster in the National Capital Region.

We need to once again review political duplicity of life and death and the standards we have about who dies and who lives in this country and try to determine just what is fact and what is fiction when it comes to authority shooting at someone without even determining if lethal force is necessary.

They already knew there was no threat to the President and apparently no threat to anyone else and yet after the incident t a woman is dead. No one knows what happened to her child.

I also find it odd that the woman’s name was not immediately released after her death and as soon as we realized that there was no threat to anything that has to do with government the major networks went back to arguing over the shutdown and Obamacare.

We need to remind you that the police claim that the woman used her car as a weapon and rammed it into a cruiser injuring an officer. This, of course, will trigger the response of praise to the officers who are there to protect democracy for elected officials.

The same elected officials who believe in shutdowns and no compromise. They believe in forcing Americans into a healthcare system of their design that will benefit the elite.

They most certainly have demonstrated that they are despicable in word, deed an actions. All we see now in the media is merely a political version of ‘Entertainment Tonight’ where they prop up our rock star officials and discuss how they continue to be hateful obstructionists and marvel at how Americans are buying into this necessary fiction.

The officials in Washington continue to milk the system and receive their expansive paychecks no matter how badly they conduct themselves. They are no longer examples of compassion and have no respect for the people they represent.

However, the gullible audience watches the nightly news as if it were a popular television show. Much like dramas like “Breaking Bad”, we see mild mannered men with good intentions become ego-maniacal threats to everyone they come in contact with.

With this sickening fiction there is no need to even worry about whether or not there are spoilers to this bit of political theater because Americans hopefully will no longer wait for the final episode.

Because we all know who dies in the end.

((((did you know that once again there was a "drill" involving the same scenario as this event, much as there was at Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon and several other places...coincidence?  well, you decide, but it is really unusually coincidental....almost impossible.....  seen the video of her trying to crash the gates? was she killed?  was she armed?, could this actually have been a tragic mistake by law enforcement that is now being covered up?---alexis))))

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