Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Is This the Dumbest Thing a Republican Has Said During the Shutdown Mess?

Rep. Ted Yoho has a novel theory of what failing to raise the debt limit would do. 

October 7, 2013   |   

Florida tea party Rep. Ted Yoho has a novel theory of what failing to raise the debt limit, forcing the United States into default, would accomplish. Where economists are in agreement that it would be catastrophic,  according to Yoho:

"I think, personally, it would bring stability to the
    world markets," since they would be assured that
      the United States had moved decisively to curb 
its debt. 

Yoho-ho and exactly how many bottles of rum did he have before coming up with that one? 

For the record, the  world markets disagreeStrongly.

Then again, Yoho is a guy who sat in front of a Washington Post reporter telling a constituent who'd called to oppose the shutdown that "we’re working on getting something resolved here, as fast as we can," then got off the phone and assured the reporter that he didn't actually mean he was working on getting anything resolved in any way other than encouraging Democrats to cave. Clearly, concepts like basic accuracy are not ranked high on his agenda.

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