Tuesday, October 8, 2013

ooohhhhhhhhhh goodie!

             800,000 New Jersey residents lose their health plans because of Obamacare regulations


"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it." That was the line Obama used over and over again during the campaign. Residents of the Garden State are now finding out what a whopper that was.

from NJ Star Ledger:
Hundreds of thousands of New Jerseyans opened the mail last week to find their health insurance plan would no longer exist in 2014 because it does not cover all the essential benefits required by the Affordable Care Act.
The news surprised some who were unaware that provisions in the new law known as “Obamacare” were forcing insurance companies to scrap some plans they had previously offered.
“The Affordable Care Act is driving many changes to products and pricing,” said Thomas Vincz, a spokesman for Horizon. “Horizon BCBSNJ is actively working to help our members find new insurance plans that meet their needs and budget.”
The changes will impact more than 800,000 people in New Jersey who purchase insurance on the individual and small-employer markets, according to Ward Sanders, president of the New Jersey Association of Health Plans.
read the rest

Even as New Jersey recovers from Super Storm Sandy, they now have to deal with Super Storm Obama taking money out of their pockets. 


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